2017 CHANL Publications (54)
- Soto, R.J.; Schofield, J.B.; Walter, S.E.; Malone-Povolny, M.J.; Schoenfisch, M.H. “Design Considerations for Silica-Particle-Doped Nitric-Oxide- Releasing Polyurethane Glucose Biosensor Membranes” ACS Sens. 2017, 2, 140−150.
- Kim, J.; Luo, Z.-X.; Wu, Y.; Lu, X.; Jay, M. “In-situ formation of holmium oxide in pores of Mesoporous Carbon Nanoparticles as substrates for neutron-activatable radiotherapeutic” Carbon 2017, 117, 92-99.
- Lee, K.J.; McCarthy, B.D.; Rountree, E.S.; Dempsey, J.L. “Identification of an Electrode-Adsorbed Intermediate in the Catalytic Hydrogen Evolution Mechanism of a Cobalt Dithiolene Complex” Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 1988–1998.
- Kuntz, K.L.; Wells, R.A.; Hu, J.; Yang, T.; Dong, B.; Guo, H.; Woomer, A.H.; Druffel, D.L.; Alabanza, A.; Tománek, D.; Warren, S.C. “Control of Surface and Edge Oxidation on Phosphorene” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9, 9126-9135.
- Dunn, D.; Tippets, C.; Torell, K.; Kellnhofer, P.; Aks ̧it, K.; Didyk, P.; Myszkowski, K.; Luebke, D.; Fuchs, H. “Wide Field Of View Varifocal Near-Eye Display Using See-Through Deformable Membrane Mirrors”, IEEE Trans Visualization & Computer Graphics 2017, 23, 1275-1284.
- Linz, T.H.; Henley, W.H.; Ramsey,J.M. “Photobleaching kinetics-based bead encoding for multiplexed bioassays” Lab Chip 2017, 17, 1076-1082.
- Coppo, R.L.; Farnum, B.H.; Sherman, B.D.; Murakami Ihaa, N.Y.; Meyer, T.J. “The role of Layer-by Layer, compact TiO2 films in Dye-Sensitized Photoelectrosynthesis Cells” Sustainable Energy & Fuels. 2017, 1, 112-118.
- Gorzalski, A.S.; Donley, C.; Coronell, O. “Elemental composition of membrane foulant layers using EDS, XPS, and RBS” Journal of Membrane Science. 2017, 522, 31-44.
- Weerakoon-Ratnayake, K.M.; O'Neil, C.E.; Uba, F.I.; Soper, S.A. “Thermoplastic nanofluidic devices for biomedical applications” Lab Chip, 2017, 17, 362-381.
- Sheridan, M.V.; Hill, D.J.; Sherman, B.D.; Wang, D.; Marquard, S.L.; Wee, K.-R.; Cahoon, J.F.; Meyer, T.J. “All-in-one Derivatized Tandem p+n-Silicon-SnO2/TiO2 Water Splitting Photoelectrochemical Cell” Nano Lett. 2017, ASAP. (DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b00105)
- Kim, S.; Hill, D.J.; Pinion, C.W.; Christesen, J.D.; McBride, J.R.; Cahoon, J.F. “Designing Morphology in Epitaxial Silicon Nanowires: The Role of Gold, Surface Chemistry, and Phosphorus Doping” ACS Nano, Article ASAP. (DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b00457)
- Wang, D.; Farnum, B.; Sheridan, M.; Marquard, S.; Sherman, B.; Meyer, T. “Inner Layer Control of Performance in a Dye Sensitized Photoelectrosynthesis Cell” ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces 2017, ASAP (DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b00225)
- A Dye-Sensitized Photoelectrochemical Tandem Cell for Light Driven Hydrogen Production from Water. Sherman, B; Sheridan, M; Wee, K.; Marquard, S.; Wang, D.; Alibabaei, L.; Ashford, D.; Meyer, T.J. J. Am.Chem. Soc. 2017, ASAP. (DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b10699)
- Pozdin, V.A.; Dieffenderfer, J.; Williams, E.; Sotory, P.; Yokus, M.A.; Bozkurt, A.; Daniele, M.A. “Modular design for epidermal temperature sensing 2017 IEEE SENSORS, Glasgow, 2017, pp. 1-3. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8233976
- Pozdin, V.A.; Yokus, M.A.; Sotory, P.; Wisniewski, N.; Bozkurt, A.; Daniele, M.A. "Low-cost flexible inorganic optical devices for flexible sensors," 2017 IEEE SENSORS, Glasgow, 2017, pp. 1-3. DOI: 10.1109/ICSENS.2017.8234359
- Meyers, J.K.; Kim, S.; Hill, D.J.; Cating, E.E.M.; Williams, L.J.; Kumbhar, A.S.; McBride, J.R.; Papanikolas, J.M.; Cahoon, J.F. “Self-Catalyzed Vapor–Liquid–Solid Growth of Lead Halide Nanowires and Conversion to Hybrid Perovskites” Nano Lett., 2017, 17, 7561–7568.
- Gaiteri, J.C.; Henley, W.H.; Siegfried, N.A.; Linz, T.H.; Ramsey, J.M. “Use of Ice-Nucleating Proteins To Improve the Performance of Freeze–Thaw Valves in Microfluidic Devices.” Analytical Chemistry 2017, 89, 5998-6005.
- Cating, E.E.M.; Pinion, C.W.; Christesen, J.D.; Christie, C.A.; Grumstrup, E.M.; Cahoon, J.F.; Papanikolas, J.M. “Probing Intrawire, Interwire, and Diameter-Dependent Variations in Silicon Nanowire Surface Trap Density with Pump−Probe Microscopy” NanoLett. 2017, 17, 5956−5961.
- Kim, S.; Hill, D.J.; Pinion, C.W.; Christesen, J.D.; McBride, J.R.; Cahoon, J.F. “Designing Morphology in Epitaxial Silicon Nanowires: The Role of Gold, Surface Chemistry, and Phosphorus Doping” ACS Nano 2017, 11, 4453–4462.
- Shan, B.; Sherman, B.D.; Klug, C.M.; Nayak, A.; Marquard, S.L.; Liu, Q.; Bullock, R.M.; Meyer, T.J. “Modulating Hole Transport in Multilayered Photocathodes with Derivatized p‑Type Nickel Oxide and Molecular Assemblies for Solar-Driven Water Splitting” J.Phys.Chem.Lett. 2017, 8, 4374−4379.
- Gilliland, W.M.; Mellors, J.S.; Ramsey, J.M. “Coupling Microchip Electrospray Ionization Devices With High Pressure Mass Spectrometry” Anal. Chem. 2017, 89, 13320-13325.
- Fayer, E.L.; Gilliland, W.M.; Ramsey, J.M.; Allbritton, N.L.; Waters, M.L. “N-Gemini peptides: cytosolic protease resistance via N-terminal dimerization of unstructured peptides,” Chem. Commun. 2017, 54, 204-207.
- Henley, W.H.; He, Y.; Mellors, J.S.; Batz, N.G.; Ramsey, J.M.; Jorgenson, J.W. “High-resolution separations of charge variants and disulfide isomers of monoclonal antibodies and antibody drug conjugates using ultra-high voltage capillary electrophoresis with high electric field strength,” J. Chromatogr. A. 2017, 1523, 72-70.
- Zhou, J.; Wang, Y.; Menard, L.D.; Panyukov, S.; Rubinstein, M.; Ramsey, J.M. “Enhanced nanochannel translocation and localization of genomic DNA molecules using three-dimensional nanofunnels,” Nat. Comm. 2017, 8, Article number: 807.
- Chun, H.; Dennis, P.J.; Ferguson Welch, E.R.; Alarie, J.P.; Jorgenson, J .W.; Ramsey, J.M. “Development of a Conductivity-based Photothermal Absorbance Detection Microchip Using Polyelectrolytic Gel Electrodes,” J. Chromatogr. A. 2017, 1523, 140-147.
- Blakeman, K.H.; Cavanaugh, C.A.; Gilliland, W.M.; Ramsey, J.M. “High Pressure Mass Spectrometry of Volatile Organic Compounds with Ambient Air Buffer Gas,” Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2017, 31, 27-32.
- Pozdin, V.A.; Yokus, M.A.; Daniele, M.A. "Strain sensors on thermoplastic polyurethane films for lightweight epidermal sensing," IEEE SENSORS, 2017, Glasgow, 2017, pp. 1-3.
- Wang,Y.; Gunasekara, D.B.; Attayek, P.J.; Reed, M. I.; DiSalvo, M.; Nguyen, D.L.; Dutton, J.S.; Lebhar, J.S.; Bultman, S.J.; Sims, C.E.; Magness S.T.; Allbritton N. L. “In vitro generation of mouse colon crypts” ACS Biomater. Sci. & Eng. 2017, 3, 2502–2513.
- Wang,Y.; Gunasekara, D.B.; Reed, M. I.; DiSalvo, M.; Bultman, S.J.; Sims, C.E.; Magness S.T.; Allbritton N. L. “A microengineered collagen scaffold for generating a polarized crypt-villus architecture of human small intestinal epithelium” Biomaterials, 2017, 128, 44-55.
- Wang,Y.; DiSalvo, M.; Gunasekara, D.B.; Dutton, J.; Proctor, A.; Lebhar, M.S.; Williamson, I.A.; Speer, J.; Howard, R.L.; Smiddy, N.M.; Bultman, S.J.; Sims, C.E.; Magness, S.T.; Allbritton, N.L. “Self-renewing monolayer of primary colonic or rectal epithelial cells” Cellular and Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2017, 4, 165-182.
- Eberhart, M.S.; Wee, K.-R.; Marquard, S.; Skinner, K.; Wang, D.; Nayak, A.; Meyer, T.J. “Fluoropolymer‐Stabilized Chromophore–Catalyst Assemblies in Aqueous Buffer Solutions for Water‐Oxidation Catalysis” ChemSusChem 2017, 10, 2380 –2384.
- Sheridan, M.V.; Hill, D.J.; Sherman,B.D.; Wang, D.; Marquard, S.L.; Wee, K.-R.; Cahoon, J.F.; Meyer, T.J. “All-in-One Derivatized Tandem p+n-Silicon–SnO2/TiO2 Water Splitting Photoelectrochemical Cell” Nano Lett., 2017, 17, 2440–2446.
- Brady, M.D.; Sampaio, R.N.; Wang, D.; Meyer, T.J.; G.J. “Dye-Sensitized Hydrobromic Acid Splitting for Hydrogen Solar Fuel Production” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 15612–15615.
- Wang, Y.; Marquard, S.L.; Wang, D.; Dares,C.; Meyer, T.J. “Single-Site, Heterogeneous Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 in Water as the Solvent” ACS Energy Lett. 2017, 2, 1395–1399.
- Ritchie, E.T.; Hill, D.J.; Mastin, T.M.; Deguzman, P.C.; Cahoon, J.F.; Atkin, J.M. “Mapping Free-Carriers in Multijunction Silicon Nanowires Using Infrared Near-Field Optical Microscopy” Nano Lett. 2017, 17, 6591–6597.
- Suchyta, D.J.; Soto, R.J.; Schoenfisch, M.H. “Selective monophosphorylation of chitosan via phosphorus oxychloride” Polym. Chem. 2017, 8, 2552-2558.
- Suchyta, D.J.; Schoenfisch, M.H.; “Anticancer potency of nitric oxide-releasing liposomes” RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 53236-53246.
- Hill, D.J.; Teitsworth, T.S.; Kim, S.; Christesen,J.D.; Cahoon, J.F. “Encoding Highly Nonequilibrium Boron Concentrations and Abrupt Morphology in p-Type/n-Type Silicon Nanowire Superlattices” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 37105–37111.
- Kim, J.; Narayan, R.J.; Lu, X.; Jay, M. “Neutron-activatable needles for radionuclide therapy of solid tumors” J Biomed Mater Res Part A 2017, 105A, 3273–3280.
- Kim, J.; Jay, M. “Neutron-activatable radionuclide cancer therapy using graphene oxide nanoplatelets” Nuclear Medicine and Biology 2017, 52, 42–48.
- Wang, D.; Sheridan, M.V.; Shan, B.; Farnum, B.H.; Marquard, S.L.; Sherman, B.D.; Eberhart, M.S.; Nayak, A.; Dares, C.J.; Das, A.K.; Bullock, R.M.; Meyer, T.J. “Layer-by-Layer Molecular Assemblies for Dye-Sensitized Photoelectrosynthesis Cells Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 14518–14525.
- Suchyta, D.J.; Schoenfisch, M.H. “Controlled Release of Nitric Oxide from Liposomes” ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng., 2017, 3, 2136–2143.
- Eberhart, M.S.; Wang, D.; Sampaio, R.N.; Marquard, S.L.; Shan, B.; Brennaman, M.K.; Meyer, G.J.; Dares, C.; Meyer, T.J. “Water Photo-oxidation Initiated by Surface-Bound Organic Chromophores” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2017, 139, 16248–16255.
- Miao, L.; Liu, W.; Lin, C.M.; Luo, C.; Wang, Y.; Liu, L.; Yin, W.; Hu, S.; Kim, W.Y.; Huang, L. “Targeting Tumor-Associated Fibroblasts for Therapeutic Delivery in Desmoplastic Tumors” Cancer Res 2017, 77, 719-731.
- Ina, M.; Cao, Z.; Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, M.; Everhart, M.H.; Daniel, W.F.M.; Dobrynin, A.V.; Sheiko, S.S. “From Adhesion to Wetting: Contact Mechanics at the Surfaces of Super-Soft Brush-Like Elastomers” ACS Macro Lett., 2017, 6, 854–858.
- Mitra, R.N.; Gao,R.; Zheng, M.; Wu†, M.-J.; Voinov, M.A.; Smirnov, A.I.; Smirnova, T.I.; Wang, K.; Chavala, S.; Han, Z. “Glycol Chitosan Engineered Autoregenerative Antioxidant Significantly Attenuates Pathological Damages in Models of Age-Related Macular Degeneration” ACS Nano, 2017, 11, 4669–4685.
- Alibabaei, L.; Dillon, R.J.; Reilly, C.E.; Brennaman, M.K.; Wee, K.-R.; Marquard, S.L.; Papanikolas, J.M.; Meyer, T.J. “Chromophore-Catalyst Assembly for Water Oxidation Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 39018–39026.
- Goodwin, T.J.; Shen, L.; Hu, M.; Li, J.; Feng, R.; Dorosheva, O.; Liu, R.; Huang, L. “Liver specific gene immunotherapies resolve immune suppressive ectopic lymphoid structures of liver metastases and prolong survival” Biomaterials 2017, 141, 260-271.
- Coppo, R.L.; Farnum, B.H.; Sherman, B.D.; Iha, N.Y.M.; Meyer, T.J. "The role of layer-by-layer, compact TiO2 films in dye-sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cells” Sustainable Energy Fuels, 2017, 1, 112-118.
- Collier, M.A.; Bachelder, E.M.; Ainslie, K.M. “Electrosprayed Myocet-like Liposomes: An Alternative to Traditional Liposome Production” Pharm Res 2017, 34, 419.
- Shi, W.; Li, J.; Polsen, E.S.;Oliver, C.R.; Zhao, Y.; Meshot, E.R.; Barclay, M.; Fairbrother, D.H.; Hart, A.J.; Plata, D.L. “Oxygen-promoted catalyst sintering influences number density, alignment, and wall number of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes” Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 5222-5233.
- Bowerman, C.J.; Byrne, J.D.; Chu, K.S.; Schorzman, A.N.; Keeler, A.W.; Sherwood, C.A.; Perry, J.L.; Luft, J.C.; Darr, D.B.; Deal, A.M.; Napier, M.E.; Zamboni,W.C.; Sharpless, N.E. Perou, C.M.; DeSimone, J.M. “Docetaxel-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticles Improve Efficacy in Taxane-Resistant Triple-Negative Breast Cancer” Nano Lett., 2017, 17, 242–248.
- Wang, D.; Sherman, B.D.; Farnum, B.H.; Sheridan, M.V.; Marquard, S.L.; Eberhart, M.S.; Dares, C.J.; Meyer, T.J. Plasmon-enhanced light-driven water oxidation by a dye-sensitized photoanode PNAS 2017, 114, 9809-9813.
- Druffel, D.L.; Woomer, A.H.; Kuntz, K.L.; Pawlik, J.T.; Warren, S.C. “Electrons on the surface of 2D materials: from layered electrides to 2D electrenes” J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5, 11196-11213.