Scientific Art Competition
The CHANL Scientific Art Competition provides its users an opportunity to showcase scientific data with artistic appeal. The competition is coordinated by CHANL and UNC-MRS (Materials Research Society) through the Department of Applied Physical Sciences (APSc).
Submissions will be posted both online and in the Chapman Hall lobby. Winners will be announced Friday, April 12, at a lunchtime reception (12-1pm) .
Submission Guidelines
- Deadline: April 1, 2019
- Submission type
- Pictures, Photographs – digital photographs/microscopy images (TEM, SEM, AFM…)
- Computer generated graphics (illustrations, models…).
- Max image size: 15 MB max
- Dimensions:1024px x 1024px or greater
- Resolution: 96 dpi or better
- File type: .jpg (recommended), .tiff
- Filename: lastname_firstname.jpg or .tiff
- Colorization to enhance visual impact is allowed
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